a5c7b9f00b Longmire risks his life to travel up a mountain by foot in a snowstorm to catch a group of escaped prisoners and their hostages. Although this show is on my C-list I was a little excited by its return. I do enjoy the locations and the stoic lead.<br/><br/>However the just tolerable writing took a nosedive with this episode when they hinged the plot on a prison escape too ridiculous for anyone with an attention span above5 seconds. <br/><br/>Without going into detail, I&#39;ll just give you one of the many things that could have gone wrong with this plan: The FBI agent doesn&#39;t order club sandwiches. <br/><br/>In a mystery, logic shouldn&#39;t wait until the final act to make an appearance. This episode is absolute garbage! What if the FBI agent hadn&#39;t ordered Club sandwiches? How did the handcuff picks get in the sandwiches without anyone seeing? Then Walt goes traipsing off in a blizzard, walking through 3-foot snow. Without snowshoes? C&#39;mon! I live in the U.P. where we get a ton of snow, too. Everyone has snowshoes. Surely a sheriff in Wyoming would have snowshoes in his vehicle, or should anyway. And why would he get left there without a vehicle, just to catch these guys? He sends the deputy chic off, like there is some pressing reason to get one of the convicts back to the jail. Instead Walt just practically freezes to death from his out of character stupidity. The whole plot, the shrink copper falling in love with the serial killer, et al, is just plain stupid. Epic fail on this episode.
Palmnaletfast Admin replied
338 weeks ago